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Understanding Grief and the Needs of Mourning

AUTHOR: Natalie Depto-Vesey, Home Nursing Agency Foundation Community Outreach



PHONE: 814-947-7027

AGENCY: UPMC Family Hospice



5:00-8:00 pm, November 29, 2023

UPMC Altoona Hospital

620 Howard Ave (6th floor rotunda) or virtually via Microsoft Teams

In partnership with Stevens Family Funeral Home and The HNA Foundation, Family Hospice, part of UPMC, is pleased to offer a free, live, webinar hosted by world-renowned author and grief educator, Dr. Alan Wolfelt on November 29th, 2023.

The presentation will define Dr. Wolfelt’s 10 “touchstones” that are In essential signs to recognize on the journey through grief. The “touchstones” are “trail markers” on the grief journey that are physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual manifestations of grief. The presentation will target all members of the grieving community. CEUs will be available to nurses and social workers.

Dr. Wolfelt, Ph.D., C.T., is the director for the Center and Loss and Life Transitions, Fort Collins, CO. He is an associate professor at the University of Colorado Medical School Denver, CO. Dr. Wolfelt received his Ph. D in counseling Psychology from Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. (APA accreditation). Dr. Wolfelt has been recognized as one of North America’s leading death educators and grief counselors. His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide and have been translated into many languages. Please join us for this in-person event as Dr. Wolfelt discusses the following topics:

• Dispel Misconceptions About Grief

• Embrace the Uniqueness of Your Grief

• Explore Your Feelings of Loss

• Understand the Six Needs of Mourning

• Recognize You Are Not Crazy

• Nurture Yourself

• Reach Out for Help

• Seek “Reconcilliation,” not “Resolution”

Registration is required. Seating is reserved on a first come, first served basis. If you cannot attend in person or if all seats are filled, you are invited to participate via Microsoft Teams.

Please call and leave a message to register at 814-947-7060 by Nov. 27, 2023.

We look forward to sharing this valuable event with the community.

If you wish to receive CEUs for this presentation, you will need to follow the link below The link will prompt you to create an account (if you don’t already have one) on the CCE website, after creating an account, the website will register you for the presentation. If you wish to participate virtually or in person, a course evaluation must be completed to receive credits. If you wish to participate virtually a link to the presentation will be sent to your email account.


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