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Help to stay at home

Susan Babcock Hoover | Care for People

Families are increasingly caring for their parents in the comfort of their own home rather than nursing facility placement. This decision is can be based upon personal preference of the older adult, financial considerations, individual preferences or a lack of the “medically necessary” reason required for Skilled Nursing Facilities. Prior to making placement decisions or waiting until their choice is no choice, families need to review available options, research community resources, and evaluate their relative’s care needs. In your long-term care journey, some Centre County resources to consider for your family may include but are not be limited to:

  1. A list of neighbors, relatives, friends and their phone numbers who might be able to provide some respite for you

  2. A list of the agencies providing home care, the type care provided, hours of operation and amount of care i.e. Companion Care vs. Nursing Care, 2 hrs. per day vs. 24/7 care you need

  3. The Adult Children of Aging Parents (A.C.A.P.) support group monthly informational meetings for adult caregivers

  4. Services provided by the Centre County Office of Aging to include but not be limited to an Aging & Disability Resources Booklet for Centre County available from the Office of Aging, Home Delivered Meals, 6 Senior Adult Resource Centers activities and hours, Caregivers, Protective Services and Care Management

  5. The Pennsylvania Department of Aging annual Benefits and Rights for Older Pennsylvanians booklet

  6. Other available Centre County services such as Transportation Services for Essential Services for independent living of older adults

  7. Available Delivery Services: Meals, Mail, Prescriptions Drugs, Groceries, Newspaper, etc.

  8. Types and locations of Senior Housing throughout Centre County

  9. Times of local Church services, available Transportation, and Shut-In Services, and lastly

  10. Available On-Line Caregiving information and Older Adult resources

Know what’ supports are available in your community caring network. Know you are not alone and remember:

If You Love Your Relative, You Must Love Yourself FirstLearn more about Care For People and their Services at:


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