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Volunteer Centre County Makes Giving Back Easy!

AUTHOR: Ann Echols, Executive Director, Volunteer Centre County


PHONE: 814-308-5052

AGENCY: Volunteer Centre County

Volunteer Center County is a free community service that promotes the needs of Centre County non-profits (AKA Community Partners). By going to, you can find many ways to give back to the community. You can find volunteer opportunities, and you can find where your donated goods can make a difference to local charities.

Volunteer Centre County enhances community engagement by making it easy to give back. And during the holiday season, giving back becomes very popular. The holidays are about sharing, caring, and spreading joy—not just for your family, but for others. By volunteering and donating, you can brighten the holiday season for those who may not be as fortunate, and transform the world into a better, happier place. The 11/6/20 edition of the Camden Chronicle quotes, “When you’re helping those in need, it’s easy to feel good about yourself. Volunteering stimulates feelings of euphoria and promotes the release of endorphins, which can give your self-esteem a much-needed boost. Volunteers report having better health, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction than non-volunteers.” So, selfishly, if you have the energy to spare, volunteering may provide the boost you need to keep going during the busy holidays and demands of the season.

With over 41 Community Partners and an increasing number of opportunities to give back, Volunteer Centre County is a good starting place for finding ways to give of your time and/or donated goods in Centre County.

And, if the holidays don’t work out for giving back, consider it as part of your New Year’s Resolutions. With your help, we can all build a stronger Centre County. YOU make difference! Volunteer Centre County is grateful for the support that we have received in the community. Thank you for helping us to serve. Thank you for making Centre County a special place for all.


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