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April 2023

Hello CCCHS Members!

The Best Month Ever If you are a member of CCCHS, this April is the BEST MONTH EVER. Why you ask? No it’s not the longer days and warmer weather, but its ALL THE MEMBER BENEFITS available to you this month. I hope you can take advantage of a few or all of these opportunities: 1. April 5: Free Spring Training on Maximizing Technology You will already be at Calvary Church at noon for our April Membership Meeting, why not join us earlier at 9 AM for the free training? Whether you work with individuals

with disabilities, children, or seniors – or maybe you want to learn how to better use your google home, cell phones and other electronics, this training will help make your life easier. Don’t worry about breakfast or lunch – it’s included in your registration. This is open to all staff of member agencies. 2. April 15: Rose Cologne Volunteer Tributes Featured in the Centre Daily Times If you organization nominated a Rose Cologne Volunteer this year, don’t miss the Weekend Edition of the Centre Daily Times on April 15. Each volunteer will be featured in the online and print editions. Share on social media and help promote your amazing volunteer! Hurry! Volunteers must be nominated by March 31! Visit this link. 3. April 27: Rose Cologne Volunteer Recognition Dinner at The Penn Stater

We are so excited to bring the Rose Cologne Dinner back this year. Whether you have nominated a volunteer or just want to join us for an inspiring night, mark your calendar to join us and reserve your table seat. The night will feature a buffet dinner and cash bar. Our MC Carolyn Donaldson will honor each of our volunteers with a tribute and announce this year’s winner of the Ann Graybill Cook and Bobbi Bronstein Awards. It’s an amazing night of celebration and a great team building opportunity for your organization. Reserve your seat or table today! 4. Month of April: Centre County Human Resource Guide Listings The committee is working to get our Human Resource Guide printed in the Centre County Gazette later this year. Members can complete a free listing form to be included in this year’s edition. Ads are available, but optional. CCCHS Members will receive discounted ad space!


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