David Panko, President | Patton Township Business Association
When Governor Wolf issued the “Stay at Home Order”, local for-profit and not-for-profit businesses were immediately impacted. Restaurants are slow or shut down. Theatres are dark. Gyms are closed. Stores are empty.
Many have been closed since April 1st with little or no income. With the coronavirus pandemic causing people to social distance, the impact of the pandemic has been devastating. A CNN Business survey reported 60% of small businesses were considering wage and staffing cuts, and 35% said they may permanently close their business.
Here are a few ways you can help local businesses and not-for-profits such as the Centre Furnace Mansion and The State Theatre.
Buy a Gift Certificate Today
Help them during these difficult times by buying a gift certificate to use when we are no longer social distancing. It’s as easy as visiting their web site with your credit card. “We’re dark, we have no income - we’d love for you to purchase a gift certificate to help sustain us and then treat yourself to a special day when we reopen.” said Karen Gregg, Executive Director of The State Theatre. “The theatre is very important to this community because it is your non-profit performing arts centre. You can purchase a gift certificate at thestatetheatre.org.”
Order In
Many local restaurants offer takeout and delivery options. Other local businesses have partnered with delivery services such as DoorDash and Uber Eats. Your purchases help keep their doors open and their staff employed.
Leave an Extra Tip
CNN reported that more than half of American’s working class jobs are at risk because of COVID-19. If you have the ability, leave an extra tip for those serving you. It will help them deal with the financial hardship of cut wages and reduced hours.
Make a Donation to a Not-for-Profit
A tax deductible contribution can make a significant difference to a local not-for-profit. The Centre County Historical Society relies heavily on members and friends to preserve the area’s history and to provide quality programming. The CCHS is an independent nonprofit organization - not a state-funded agency. You can make a charitable contribution at centrehistory.org.
According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses and local not-for-profits employ more than half of the workers in the United States. They are what gives our community its unique character. From the local CPA to your favorite restaurant and yoga studio, small businesses and not-for-profits contribute to our community’s identity. The owners and managers tend to recognize how their decisions impact our community because they live here. They sponsor local sports teams, support our community’s charity events and enhance the quality of life in Centre County. They are struggling now. Please support them today.