Amy T. Wilson | Executive Director | Mid-State Literacy Council
Literacy is essential for employment, healthcare, and the well-being of our children. Build a better brain is a theme of Mid-State Literacy Council’s children’s book drive. We thank all the participants of the book fair held this past weekend. You can donate a new book at Barnes and Noble State College through December 12th. The literacy council will make sure that a child who needs books is given your gift. Reading together helps children and parents connect, reading helps children become more emphatic, and reading develops a child’s imagination. Reading is exercise for the brain; let us all build a better brain.
A man wanted to obtain his first job and he came to the literacy council to learn to read. He needed to learn to read in order to obtain a job. Following assessment and the development of his individualized tutoring program, he began working with a literacy council trained volunteer tutor. He would not make eye contact the first day; he was feeling low. He worked consistently with his tutor, practiced, and made progress. He obtained part-time employment and developed friendships. He is making progress and feeling uplifted. He and his tutor continue to work together.
This fall adults worked with tutors and they participated in small zoom classes to improve reading, math, English, health literacy, writing and computer skills. Laptops were donated to the literacy council for adults who needed equipment to participate in tutoring. Because of the pandemic, there is an increasing reliance upon technology to learn, connect, and access healthcare via telehealth. Employment opportunities and entry level positions frequently require basic computer skills. To support families’ needs in our community, Mid-State Literacy Council expanded the computer and digital literacy tutoring programs. New volunteers were trained to assist grandparents raising grandchildren who are learning the computer skills they need in order to access school information and resources. With a tutor, people are successfully learning new skills.
Literacy is a legacy. Mid-State Literacy Council trains community members who volunteer to teach life-saving literacy skills. Community members helping to make sure everyone can read and communicate. The training team is prepared to train new volunteers in January to be held via zoom. MSLC acknowledges with appreciation how community members are increasing their support both in financial gifts and by volunteering. This year the literacy council is participating in Alternative Christmas hosted by the University Baptist and Brethren Church. Giving is December 6-20 at https://ubbcwelcome.org/acf/.
Because of strong community partnerships, Mid-State Literacy Council continues to provide the opportunity of education to community members who need literacy. Additional information is at mid-stateliteracycouncil.org. To refer an adult for tutoring or to help, please contact staff at 814-238-1809 or mslc@mid-stateliteracycouncil.org.